One Game?


As we have seen before, dictator Goodell, and his NFL do not rely on physical evidence, or witness statements to punish a player, coach, or franchise.

Famous Jameis Winston has stated on numerous occasions that the NFL has not spoken with him regarding an allegation that he groped a female Ubër driver. Rick Stroud of the Tampa Bay Times has noted that Jameis may end up receiving a one game suspension for conduct detrimental to the league.

As Buccaneer fans, obviously we’rather not have him suspended at all, but if it ends up being a 1 game suspension, we will overcome it, but this goes to the larger issue of how Goodell is abusing his powers.

Many fans are fed up with the NFL and it’s passion for suspending players for simple accusations, just as this case involving Winston and the Ubër driver. The case lacks any sufficient evidence, primarily because of a lack of urgency, the length of the “investigation”, and the fact dictator Goodell doesn’t need evidence to doll out nonsense punishments.


Edited by Harmeet Kapur


