Maybe it’s Christmas making me all lyrical but here are “just the basic facts” as sung by Roger Waters in relation to Jon Gruden and hopefully after we can feel a little “comfortably numb”. I won’t wax on about my own personal opinion that Gruden was a good coach and personality that wasn’t given the support from his GM and that led down the rocky road to his exit. That’s my own personal opinion. What I will do is just leave here facts about Gruden’s tenure with the Bucs.
Gruden was Head Coach of Tampa Bay for seven years; winning 57 games and losing 55. With no ties that lead him to a record of .509 with the Buccaneers. With three losing seasons against four winning seasons that lead to three playoff appearances. These resulted in our sole Super Bowl and loses against the Giants and Redskins, falling at the first hurdle.
Those four winning seasons;
2002 – 12-4 1st in NFC South
2005 – 11-5 1st in NFC South
2007 – 9-7 1st in NFC South
2008 – 9-7 3rd in NFC South behind the 12-4 Panthers and 11-5 Falcons.
Interesting to note that up to week 14 the Buccaneers were 9-3 and facing two divisional games that could have sealed the number 1 seed in the NFC South; until Monte Kiffin revealed he was going and the defense fell apart as the team lost focus.
Who doesn’t want to return to a time when the Bucs were relevant and teams actually didn’t automatically put a W on the calendar when the schedule is released?