Buccaneer Cheerleaders Get New Uniforms for 2018 Season


Sunday is slowly closing in on us and it can not come any sooner. With the wreak havoc hype going strong, the Buccaneer cheerleaders look to impress even more with their new uniforms that were just released.

So as we march into New Orleans stadium on Sunday, don’t look for the old pirate looking outfits that our amazing cheerleaders have worn, but look for the new updated color scheme and BUCS print spread across their top piece.

With the new uniforms for our cheerleading squad, there will be no mistake, these are the new Tampa Bay Buccaneer cheerleaders, and they look good. I’ve included their introductory video to let you all decide for yourselves. But I will say, they look fresh, updated and much needed.

You can check out the new uniform HERE!
