Since becoming the Bucs GM in 2014, Jason Licht’s draft picks have been a mixed bag. He has had some really exceptional picks while others have left Bucs fans shaking their heads. Let’s take a look at Licht’s best and worst draft picks:
Best – Kwon Alexander, MLB, LSU
The 2015 draft yielded several great acquisitions, but none with better value than 4th-round pick Kwon Alexander. When Alexander fell to the 4th round, Licht jumped on him. Since then Alexander has proven to be one of the best MLB in the NFC. He’s small for an MLB but makes up for it with his speed, running a 4.5 fyd at the combine.
Worst – Roberto Aguayo, K, Florida State
The 2016 draft was an excruciatingly bad one. There is not one player from that draft currently starting for this Bucs team. The worst pick overall was K Roberto Aguayo in the second round. Aguayo struggled mightily his first season and by his second was no longer with the team. Taking a kicker in an early round was an inexcusably bad move and could be the worst draft pick in the Buccaneer’s history.