Addressing the Buccaneers Trading Brady Rumors

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Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady/via

Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady/via

Let’s address the rumors of Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady looking to be traded to the Miami Dolphins. Yes, I know it’s absurd and makes zero sense for most of us with developed brains. So this is for the ones who are still struggling with reality and apparently clicks.

Multiple reports that Brady is looking to negotiate a trade have infected social media platforms in the last 48 hours. But why? It seems to have started with one tweet.

Hockey Guy Says What?

As if to show the ridiculousness Arnold then followed up that tweet with another one.

OK, let me get this straight, Brady announces he’s coming out of retirement to play for “Tampa Bay”, he then helps recruit free agents to sign three-year deals. Yup, that’s a guy that’s ready to leave the Bucs.

We must mention the potential lawsuit against the Dolphins owner and the accusations of tanking and tampering. Yea, Brady is dying to be a part of that..

The initial reports started surfacing Thursday and took off like wild fire. Even Sklip Bayless of FS1 hitched his wagon to it Friday. Thankfully The Athletic’s Jeff Howe brought some clarity. Citing his source Howe reports “there’s nothing happening” in regards to a Bucs/Dolphins trade for Brady. Sorry hockey guy and Sklip, but Howe and The Athletic’s reputation far exceeds both of yours.

Not Enough Proof For You?

Enter Miami Herald’s Barry Jackson into the fray. He reported that he’s been told to “disregard” any Brady to the Dolphins rumors. Seems like a guy who actually covers the Dolphins might know more than a hockey guy and Sklip.

We’ve all heard of the NFL silly season, but this just doesn’t make sense. Look for the Buccaneers to totally quash this soon with a Brady contract restructure. The question then will be, does hockey guy and Sklip own their false reporting, or do they just look for more BS to throw against the wall?

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