Well, Bucs fans, it’s that time of year again. That sad, sad time of year. With the last game of 2016 sadly looming over us, all we can think about is what if. Once again we are ambushed with that question. Sitting at 8-7 and just barely out of reach of that ever so slippery 6th seed we are all asking ourselves what could have been. Well, I’ll tell you what, for once, I feel satisfied as a Bucs fan this season. We all should. Sure, we didn’t make the playoffs, but when was the last time this team was even in consideration for the playoffs at this point in the season? The answer is 2010. 6 years ago.
Let’s ask ourselves something. After that horrendous week 9 loss to the Atlanta Falcons, did we anyone expect we would be where we are right now? No. Hell no. But look how much heart this team showed down the stretch. Look how much passion and desire to play this team showed. That as a life long Bucs fan was rejuvenating to see. I haven’t seen that kind of heart and passion in a very long time and I couldn’t be happier. We have no reason to be upset about this team by any stretch this year. Sure, we slumped at the wrong time, but you know what at least we were even in the postseason conversation. Everyone needs to realize that this team can potentially have a winning record for the first time in 6 years. If you’re upset and angry about that then you may need to leave the ship.
I, for one, am very proud of this team this season. We can only go up from here and I believe we will. Now, as we await our long and tedious off-season journey once again, just keep this in mind. It’s a new day in Tampa Bay.