Sapp To Help McCoy?



*Opinion Editorial*

How much more obvious could it have been?

Once Warren Sapp said he would be at the Buccaneers’ OTA’s & Training Camp it should have been obvious that we were keeping McCoy.
For starters it’s well-known Sapp and Gerald have a relationship stemming from McCoy’s second season, when Sapp came to camp to train McCoy.
Two, Sapp’s pure love for the position and his ability to help McCoy with the new defensive scheme.

Sapp is a 3-technique or outside DT. He isn’t being brought in to help Vea who would be in the center or NT. (Although I’m sure having Sapp there won’t hurt)
No, I believe Sapp is in camp specifically for the purpose of bringing out the best in McCoy.
Hindsight is a funny thing isn’t it. I could kick myself for not seeing this before.
Oh well that’s football.

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Written by: Johnny Dean
