GMAC has been quiet ever since the “Jealousy over Winston” thing, but spoke out about the “Dirk Koetter” thing. GMAC says it’s a common consensus around the team that if Lovie was to be replaced that Koetter was the correct replacement and that he, himself, thinks that Koetter is a great coach and person and that he is excited about next season.
“The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have their man in head coach Dirk Koetter. It took a bit longer than some may have expected, but for the Buccaneers players, they apparently couldn’t be much happier with who their new coach is. While the firing of Lovie Smith came with some scrutiny, specifically from the players on the team, one of the leaders in defensive tackle Gerald McCoy stepped up and spoke out about the excitement behind the promotion of Koetter.” -Reported by Jeff Smith
More on this here: Gerald McCoy on Dirk Koetter: Everyone feels like we got the right guy