Timmy Jernigan is wearing #99 and doesn’t care.


“I’m going to be the bigger person. He can feel what he wants to. At the end of the day, it’s all good. All I’m worried about is winning football games here in Baltimore. Every now and then, you come across those type of people in life. I just can’t worry about that. I’m not changing my number. And if you don’t want it to be about him, it doesn’t have to. At the end of the day, it’s just a number.”

Timmy Jernigan announced he is not changing the number despite how Warren Sapp feels about the issue. However, in the back of Jernigan’s mind, it’s still a tribute to Sapp, who was a role model to him. As soon as Sapp caught wind of this tribute he tweeted the Ravens wanting it stopped. Sapp did attempt to justify his tweet by saying it was to protect the young player from having to live up to the kind of All-Pro career that number carried. But, all that aside, the young man is ready to move on with football and is finished worrying about trivial nonsense circulating a jersey number.


