Although the title is misleading and mostly untrue, the story that follows is an actual event.
Louis Murphy attended former Florida Gators teammate, Deonte Thompson’s wedding when the after party got a little lonesome and little confusing. Louis Murphy’s debacle is just a crazy incident that followed a blissful wedding in which too much of the drink was had. Please, no judging we have all been there ourselves and if you haven’t, by all means, go ahead and congratulate yourself.
According to the Palm Beach Daily News, Murphy had a tad bit to drink and passed out in the courtyard of Flagler Museum and awoke to find himself locked inside.
He did have to break out of the museum complex, but it wasn’t to avoid a violent death at the hands of KGB agents or ninjas. However, in a state of confusion, he became nervous and broke the glass on one of the doors to gain access to his freedom.
Muphy wasn’t charged with any crime, and promptly had police and museum officials contacted to explain his story; that way there would be no confusion as to why the glass on the door had been broken. Murphy quickly worked out a deal to correct the $1,000 in damages to museum property and explained that he had been drinking at the wedding ultimately, ending up in the courtyard where he had fallen asleep on the steps. When he woke up, everyone was gone and all of the doors were locked.
Oddly enough, no security officer had attempted a final walk through to see if all participants had left the party before all the doors were locked. Flagler’s public affairs called it an internal security matter and released no comment at the time.