Winston is getting better and better with every year. He already has broken one record by throwing over 4,000 yards in his first two seasons! No other QB has ever done that, not even Drew Brees who throws almost 5,000 yards every season it seems like.
With our newest additions, D-JAX, Chris Godwin, and O.J. Howard, Winston has the ability to spread the ball around no problem. Winston has a burning passion for winning at all cost. Sometimes that does get the best of him, by trying to force passes into places he shouldn’t be. Now he has all these weapons plus we can’t forget about Brate and Evans, he should have an open man somewhere on the field so we can eliminate some of these crazy turnovers. Â Last year Winston and the Buccaneers really didn’t have any consistency at the wide receiver position due to all the injuries they had. If our receivers can stay healthy and stay consistent then Winston should have an ELITE season.
Jameis loves Mike Evans but he was doubled covered a lot last season because he never really had a true number two receiver on the other side. The Buccaneers found there true number two with D-JAX. Now Winston has someone he can just bomb it out and let D-JAX just go run for it. Having D-JAX run an easy slant route and just use his speed to score is going to make short easy throws for Winston and accumulate passing yards.
I truly believe this year is going to be an “ELITE” year for Winston. He has everything he needs to be that kinda player. I see him passing for more than 5,000 yards this season. The most passing yards in a season is 5,477 by Peyton Manning in 2013. It would be incredible for Winston to break that record!
Wide receivers to go get the ball (check)
Tight-ends that will block and run out (check)
Running back to take pressure off him throwing every down (check)
Defense to keep him off the field so much (check)
Now, all we need for him to do is stay calm cool and collective and just go do his thing and win us games with smart decisions. Â #INWINSTONWETRUST!