Fans Rejoice


The title is more instruction than statement. Why?

For those fans who have been less than impressed by the tenure of Jason Licht as General Manager, this is a time for celebration. With the coming and going of the trade deadline Licht did absolutely nothing to improve the team or make any statement. Many picture him like a deer in the headlights.

Despite a cowardly show of inactivity and ineptitude, Jason Licht has guaranteed the playoffs or his job. The statement made by Licht’s silence is that this team has no weaknesses, that the players that have been on the move couldn’t have improved the Bucs. The statement made was that the 4th round pick, paid for by the services of Ha-Ha Clinton-Dix, was poor value. Licht may even have his eyes on a better prospect in the draft who will improve the team—perhaps a punter in the first round?

Truth is that Licht has taken a massive gamble. Should the Buccaneers fail to make the post season, fans can relax in the knowledge that it will cost him his job. With silence has come the biggest statement of his career as GM in Tampa. His next will likely be to thank the Glazers and say goodbye.
