Erica Kinsman and the lawyers retained to represent her have been nothing, but relentless when it comes to Jameis Winston. Most recently, Florida State University settled the Title IX lawsuit out of court for $950,000, and in no way does it admit liability, on behalf of the university. Kinsman was awarded $250,000 while the attorneys took the remaining $700,000. What could this mean? They now have a tremendous amount of money they can now pump into the individual case. It comes as no surprise to me. I immediately predicted, this amount of money would fuel the fire in the individual suit. Sure enough, it has. After essentially coming to a dead end in each of 6 separate criminal investigations of Jameis Winston, her lawyers then demanded 7 million dollars to settle pre-suit and if that was not agreed to, the civil action would take place. Winston has since counter-sued and the case is pending in US District Court.
“The Bucs claimed last year that they conducted a thorough investigation of Winston, who is accused of sexually assaulting Kinsman in December 2012. Also, Winston voluntarily went to New York to meet with Commissioner Roger Goodell in advance of being picked first overall.” “And so it’s no surprise that the lawyers representing Erica Kinsman want to find out what Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston said to the NFL and/or the team last year, in advance of his selection as the first overall pick in the draft. According to Matt Baker of the Tampa Bay Times, Kinsman’s lawyers have issued subpoenas aimed at obtaining all relevant records generated by the league and the Buccaneers.” – Reported by Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk
More on this: Jameis Winston’s accuser wants investigation records from NFL, Buccaneers
This story is developing.