Dan Skuta, linebacker for the Jacksonville Jaguars has been arrested on battery charges. Evidently, Skuta was attending an Orlando bar, where he met a woman and asked her for her phone number. When the woman politely refused, pushed her face with an open hand into a glass window. Immediately following the incident, the woman’s friend promptly called the police.
In 2014, Skuta received a five-year deal with the Jaguars. The team is fully aware of the situation, as they have been in contact with Skuta since the incident.
Considering the fact that the NFL has taken such a strong stance against violence towards women, Skuta’s future in the NFL could be in jeopardy. However, it is a little early to make any assumptions right now. But, since Ray Rice and Greg Hardy’s incidents involving women and violence, the NFL has been closely watching such situations. Both Rice and Hardy are currently unemployed.
Skuta’s charges are misdemeanors, at the moment, and the NFL has not stated anything, yet, about possible actions to be taken by the league. They will allow the legal process to fully unfold before making any decisions.