We all know that Jameis Winston is a one of a kind quarterback. In his first two seasons, he has thrown for over 4,000 yards in both years. No other quarterback in NFL history has ever done that. That is no short of amazing for a young new quarterback to do. Then again, there is another side of Jameis that isn’t really that amazing, that is his decision-making at times. Jameis has 33 interceptions in the last two years, which is second only to Phillip Rivers who has 34.
The Buccaneers finished their mandatory mini-camp up on Thursday and Jameis was inconsistent. There were good times, like when he scored multiple times from the goal line to different receivers. But as the famous saying goes you have to take the bad with the good. Jameis also had 2 interceptions, one by second-year man Vernon Hargreaves and the other by veteran defensive end Robert Ayers. There are two ways we can look at these interceptions:
1. Was Jameis making a poor decision?
2. Is our defense just balling out?
The first one with Hargreaves looks like it was under thrown and Vernon had just positioned his body perfectly to make a play on the ball. So let’s give second year Vernon the praise he deserves for adjusting to the ball. GO VERNON! BAD JAMEIS! Now that one for sure is Jameis fault for underthrowing a receiver. The corners in this league will make him pay every time for that. He has to get better. Now the second interception by Ayers looked to be just an athletic play by 8-year veteran Ayers. We all know that during the mini-camp the players aren’t allowed to wear pads. On this play, it looked like Ayers had just kinda backed off on the rush and played back a little. So in a way, it wasn’t Jameis entire fault, but that isn’t any excuse. Jameis needs to either throw it away or make a better read and find another receiver.
Jameis is only 23 years old and is still learning the game. There is going to be mistakes made, so its best to correct them now in minicamp, rather than the regular season. On Thursday the Buccaneers was allowed to go home early since Folk and Aguayo made all their field goals, but who stayed longer? Jameis and Brate stayed after practice and continued to practice routes. Jameis is committed to bettering himself and becoming an ELITE QB. This is his third year and he has the most talent he has ever had. There really is no excuse for him not to be in the talks as an ELITE QB in the 2017-2018 season. Jameis can’t and I repeat CAN’T make those costly mistakes. IN JAMEIS WE TRUST!