

Breaking news; the offices of the NFL have received depositions to comply with the ongoing investigation into collusion amongst the NFL and/or Team Owners. These depositions include a request to hand over electronic information and allow Colin Kaepernick’s lawyers to interview and receive messages and emails from Owners.

So far three names have been made public, these include, Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys, Bob McNair of the Houston Texans and Jed York of the 49’ers. Kaepernick clearly feels there is a reason behind his exclusion from an NFL roster and has filed a lawsuit under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, against the NFL for collusion. His team of lawyers is also seeking information from other teams, including the Ravens, Seahawks and the Titans, who have worked out quarterbacks without calling the player or his agent.

Collusionsecret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.

