Let’s hear what YOU, Buc’s fans, have to say.


Good day everyone. Welcome to the fan participation portion of our program. I have been having a hard time writing this article, as it directly interferes with my attempt as a writer to be impartial. The title of the piece is, “Is it time to hold the Buccaneer coaching staff accountable?” When I read that sentence, even now, I have a whirling tempest of emotion spinning within my gut. We are 5-8, missing the playoffs for the 10th year in a row, and have had stretches this season where it appeared the team just didn’t care, your damn right we want accountability. But, and isn’t there always as “but”? We have an offense unlike any we have ever seen here in Tampa Bay, save for the short-lived Tampa Bay Bandits, of the USFL. Also, here late in the season with the defense finally showing up, it starts to make one think that this current regime could be two (2) fewer injuries, one (1) free agent, and a mid-round draft pick away from winning the division in 2019, or at least make the postseason dance.

This is where you, the readers of the BucsReport come in. Whether you work for a four-letter sports network, or I guess even three letters would do. Or, if you’re just a Buccaneer fan or a writer for this site. We are all just taking our combined experiences, knowledge, and love of football and applying them to real-life scenarios that involve billion dollar businesses. We are speculating. We are conversing. We are participating. Now I want to know what YOU think. You can respond directly to me on Facebook or Twitter at @putrpowr02. Better yet, come on out to Ferg’s this Saturday, December 15th as the BucsReport broadcasts live on the Sports Web from 3-6 pm.
