Colin Kaepernick, former Quarterback of the San Francisco 49’ers and formerly famous for being a mobile if sometime inaccurate player. I say formally because the name Kaepernick is synonymous with taking a knee; from forums to Facebook to memes all we can think about is Colin taking a knee. The Wisconsin native didn’t have an easy path into the NFL and had things turned out differently he might well be playing for some minor league team pitching from the mound. Only Nevada offered the young Kaepernick a scholarship to play football and he repaid that faith with 2 offensive player of the year awards.
Fast forward to 2017 and the guy can’t even get onto a team despite leading the 49’ers to a place in the Super Bowl. Is he really that bad? Or is it as he suggests in his lawsuit against the owners of the NFL, that they have agreed he won’t play another down for anyone? In his new book (possibly titled “Taking a knee and losing it all”) will these allegations be further fleshed out and will it be a best seller as people rush to read the dirt he clearly wants to dish? Personally this writer cannot wait for the book