The Gatecrasher ~ BritBuc


This story starts on October 7th, 2017 a cold night in Buffalo, New York, but it nearly didn’t happen at all.

For Donnie Ernsberger the only division I college that offered him a scholarship was Western Michigan. Playing as a linebacker and fullback, the iron man Ernsberger held the dream that Lakeview would lead to the NFL. Western Michigan offered Donnie a stepping stone and he applied himself to a blocking TE role for the Bronco’s while still earning 4 scores on 34 receptions for 394 yards. Hard work is what he’s used to it seems, and he certainly seems to work hard.

Back to that chilly night in Buffalo; You have to wonder that if his sister, Sharlene hadn’t gate crashed the party, in the endzone, when Donnie came down with the football, would we know who he was? Fate has a funny way of working and thanks to that moment, Ernsberger’s tape went viral. Whilst the Battle Creek was not drafted, his shot at the NFL was not over.

Enter the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! Ernsberger will have to work to find a role within a talented Bucs team and may find that special teams is his best shot. Likely to be on the roster bubble throughout camp, Donnie Ernsberger will constantly be battling uphill; But it seems a role he’s used to filling and will certainly give it his all to make it onto an NFL Roster.


