Mike Evans Donates $11k to Family of Shooting Victim


Mike Evans recently received a huge contract extension and previously stated that he isn’t one to spend a ton of money on fancy things that he is a simple man.

In true superhero fashion, Evans reached into his pockets and out to a family, who suffered a most unfortunate circumstance.

Evans heard of a shooting incident, in which, a father was shot and killed by two police officers.

In 2014, two Florida Sheriffs approached the residence of Gregory Hill Jr., resulting in the death of the young father.

Long story short: The officers justified the slaying, stating that Hill had a gun pointing at them and refused to listen to demand for him to drop it. However, the Hill family attorney made it clear that if he had a gun in his hand it would have fallen to the ground and not be found in the man’s back pocket.

Hill’s mother sued  St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara and Christopher Newman for wrongful death, but a jury found both officers to have done nothing wrong and Hill responsible for his own death due to being intoxicated during the confrontation.

Oddly, the jury decided to give the family money to the tune of $4, yes it’s not a typo, for funeral costs. (I can’t make this sh*t up) The amount was not only an insult, but it was also more than insufficient towards helping pay the $11k it did cost for the funeral. Normally when you lose a case, the jury doesn’t grant you any kind of money. (Hmmm)

Once Evans heard about this and having lost his own father to gun violence, he acted swiftly, by contacting the right people in order to find out if they had a Go Fund Me page, which they did. He wasted no time placing the cost of the funeral into their account.

Despite the case being 4-years old, I commend Mike Evans for opening his heart and his wallet to help those who are truly in need.

Evans has done this before, as in 2016 he also funded a funeral for a lifelong Bucs fan’s infant daughter.


